For Clients

Talent Leadership


We know what “right looks like,” having partnered with mid-cap companies through Fortune 1000.

To deliver best-in-class recruiting solutions that deliver meaningful retention at our clients nationally. Our end-state includes talented leaders improving organizational results.


Quality Results – Plumlee & Associates operates under the principle of “quality over quantity.” We strive for the highest mark in all of our efforts. We gladly welcome feedback from client companies and individual candidates.

Unique Methodologies – Each client culture is different; every candidate has individual needs, goals, dreams and desires. So do our own employees and leadership consultants. We understand that business is dynamic; we will always work to be relevant in every engagement, project or partnership. Being a boutique executive search firm with local ownership allows us to be nimble, agile, and creative in all that we do.

Impeccable Integrity – This is the bedrock, foundation and DNA of our organization. “Our word is our bond.” We make commitments, execute them, and do so the “old school way.” Our people treat your people with the utmost courtesy, respect, and appreciation for their story and skill set.

Long-term Perspective – We might not have all the answers but together we can guide our clients and candidates to better solutions. We enjoy learning about organizational cultures, business models, and individual motivations. In short, we are here to grow, invest in the Middle Tennessee community, and set the standard for the recruiting industry for decades to come.

Teamwork Philosophy – We look at all of our service offerings as a “business triangle.” Our clients must be pleased with our services. Our candidates will value Plumlee & Associates’ expertise and interactions. Our TEAM is totally focused on exceeding the expectations of everyone that we serve. Together Everyone Achieves More! Not just a cliché from life; we live this out each and every day.
